Delmar School
Delmar school is one of our highest recommended schools by our clients. They offer Kinder, Primary School(1-6), Middle School(7-9), and High school(10-12).
Primary School(1-6)
During the Primary or elementary phase of schooling(1-6) Delmar School focuses on individual attention and working closely with parents to form action plans and methods of best education for each child to provide unparalleled learning. This is reenforced in grade 4 when each student is paired with a tutor to help the child create a personal growth project that integrates physical, emotional, social and academic aspects. The young children can also be introduced to a variety of skills early on. Technology(digital skills, robotics, Software), sports, arts, music, entrepreneurship.
Middle School(7-9)
The Education structure is similar to Primary School at Delmar. Focusing on keeping the family intertwined in the education and success of the student. Middle school at Delmar offers top tier education from educators certified from Cambridge Bi-lingual certification standards. These standards are also used in educating the student(B1,B2,B3) PET requirements to better help them achieve admissions later on in life. Stacking on the standard education platform Delmar goes further for the student by offering additional education opportunities such as, Ted-ED Student talks, Entrepreneurship programs, Development of digital skills and robotics, Learn to love program(education of affectivity), Art. They also offer after school programs.
High School(10-12)
Delmar High School is a top tier education centre. The curriculum is based on the General Directorate of Baccalaureate, the common core standards of the U.S, ISTE standards, The college board and CENEVAL. They also have Bi-lingual training FCE/CAE certification by Cambridge, which facilitates the students admission process to the worlds best universities. This education is stacked on to Delmars already boasted about extracurriculars. Our clients rave about Delmar and the potential it unlocks for all its students to really succeed in the fast paced and ever changing world.
-If you, friends or family have any question regarding this wonderful school please feel free to click the link down below and explore their wonderful website! If you would like us to help you search for a property near the school feel free to reach out and we will be happy to help!-
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